
I have always wanted to learn how to crochet. I am in awe of people that crochet, needlepoint and knit. My sister in law taught me how to crochet yesterday, well I got *the chain* down, now I need to learn how to actually stitch. So, today I bought a needle and yarn and I am going to go to the library and get a book, I am determined to teach myself how. I spend so much time waiting for the kids I need to do something to keep my hands my busy. There is so much I want to learn, I need to make a list.


Anonymous said...

Crocheting is cool--I've tried it, sucked at it and gave up without trying more. Show us what you make!! :)

Chris said...

Oh yes, I will show pics of my pathetic attempts :).

Heather said...

I like to crotchet though all I can make is scarves and that gets sort of boring. I'm teaching myself to knit now, I'm stuck thogh so i might have to get some help. Have fun.