in sickness...

Cortney has been complaining of a sore throat for a couple of days. Today she just laid on the couch while I went through the kids weekly assignments and recorded them. Around 11:00 I started to feel bad. I had to work at the school and by the time I got home I felt awful. I put on some old comfy sweats and crawled into bed keeping one ear open for the kids. I just had to hang on until 5:00 when the hubster got home then I could sleep.

At 5:00 the phone rang, it was the hubster, he was going to be late, argh! He got home about 6:30 to find Cortney and I curled up on my bed moaning and writhing in pain. He jumped right in and made dinner, bathed the kids and cleaned up the house. He brought Cortney and I some cold medicine and we finally started to feel better. We are blessed to have to have him!


Anonymous said...

Awww, I hope you guys feel better! There's nothing worse than being sick when you're the MOM. We just don't get days off!

Thanks for leaving me a comment on my "delurking" post! :-D

Anonymous said...

Hope you guys are feeling better!!