
I haven't posted in over a week. It has been crazy around here. Southern California has been on fire, and although we are not in any danger of being in the path of any of the fires, the air quality has been horrendous. The ash and smoke made breathing almost impossible most of last week.

I do playground duty at my kids public schoo.l The kids were not allowed outside because of the awful air quality, so they all had to stay in the cafeteria during lunch recess and it is not very roomy in there at all. Plus the bookfair is going on and takes up a lot of room. So, I spent most of my time rearranging the kids and trying to keep some kind of order. I would come home with an awful headache due to the bad air, loud noise and stress.

I also had parent teacher conferences last week for my boys. Cameron (9 - 4Th grade) is doing well but has trouble focusing. Nothing new for him. I have had him tested for ADD but he does not have it. He just loses interest quickly. I did get a nice complement from Cameron's teacher, she told me that out of a class of 32 students Cameron is the only one that says please and thank you. She said that manners and politeness is very rare from a student these days. That made me proud and sad all at the same time.

Collin my Kindergartner is doing well too. He is still having trouble retaining the letters of the alphabet but he is showing improvement so what more can I ask for. The teachers on the other hand ask for too much of these babies in my opinion.

It took me four hours to write out lesson plans and do research for our History time. We are studying Ancient Egypt and I find it all so fascinating. More fascinating than the kids do unfortunatly.

Two kids had doctors appointments, Cortney had to have labs done, the hubby has been working long hours, blah blah blah.

So it was a crazy week, this week should be a little easier.

Saturday night my husband went to a Homeschool Information Night and we both had a nice time. Of course there was the awkward moment when the speaker asked if anyone had a game system, I raised my hand and in a room of about 100 people I was the ONLY one to raise my hand! It was a conservative group but come on, I couldn't be the only one in that room with a "system" in my homes. Or should I say systems since we have an X Box, Wii, Playstation, DS's, and various older game boys. My own husband didn't even raise his hand. Yep, I felt a little singled out. I felt like I need to explain the restrictions I put on the use of those systems. Like they aren't allowed out during the week, good grades must be made to be able to play them etc.

After that my husband and I went out to dinner, just the two of us. What a treat that was. These meetings are monthly meetings, and since I have very little dignity, I will show up again, maybe I will even take a DS along to play. So this will be our monthly date night.

While we were at dinner Saturday night I mentioned to my husband that I would like to tear the bar out. By bar I mean a half wall between our living room and dinning area that has a narrow bar on top and bookshelves underneath. It is old fashioned looking and ugly. Also without it the living room would look more open and we would have more room. He agreed. Sunday I went to run some errands and when I got home the bar was gone. I guess he thought I meant ASAP. I do like it better but he does have a lot of patching and painting to do now and I have a bit of an eye sore until he is done.

I was working on the playground today and there are three fifth grade boys that fight with each other all the time. One boy "J" told me that "A" called him a C*ck sucking b*tch. "A" admitted it and said that the other boy told him too F off first, and "J" admitted to that. Sigh, I just can't believe the language that comes out of these kids at times, and the anger and lack of remorse or regret. I worry about our future sometimes. I can't wait to have all my kids home. I go back and forth about just pulliing them out now, Cameron loves his teacher and she really is a great teacher and Collin is making progress and I have no complaints about his teacher or classmates. Kindergartners are off by themsefls with no contact with the rest of the general population. There are so many sweet little ones at the school, it just so few to make things go bad. Enough rambling, my heart is just heavy tonight and I needed to vent some.


Anonymous said...

Glad you guys aren't in danger from the fires, but it sucks about the air quality.

You sound busy, busy, busy!! :)

Kristine said...

Very fun to see that you are using Truthquest! What a great way to jump right into hsing and truly enjoy it, instead of trying to replicate "school at home"!

Part of the fun is the stuff that *I've* learned while teaching my kids, vbg!


Salar37_Shushan said...

Sorry to hear about the smoke and culture issues you were dealing with at school.

No, you definitely aren't the only homeschooling family to play video games. Plenty of homeschooling households have them. We have had every Nintendo system thus far in our house, plus play stations 1 & 2. We play adventure games on the pc as well.

Susan in Va SHS